success stories

"I’ve taken more courses than I can count – so I don’t say this lightly – This is the first time ever that I’ve felt really complete and satisfied about completing a course. No other program has been as fully embodied as RRA.

This program felt like this beautiful family. The followthrough and support that the whole RRA team creates, as well as the women in the program -- that to me was safety and I felt I could be so vulnerable which is such a gift.

I feel so fully supported in this community and am walking away with so many tools. The support here was worth the investment. Not only that, but it was matched by the caliber of the content that’s in this program."

- Serena

RRA Graduates Testimonials

“He treats me like a literal queen and loves me in a way I have never felt. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced. Thank you for being my guide on this journey.”

— Kimmy

I would highly recommend working with Meleah! My understanding of how to actually be in a relationship in a healthy way improved leaps and bounds and helped deepen my intimacy with my partner. She is the kindest soul who cultivates such a safe space for this type of exploration. I am so grateful for her presence in my life.”

— Mary

Seriously life changing and eye opening and I’m floating. Healthy relationships are so possible and so beautiful. I’m proud of expressing my needs and boundaries. It is SO liberating to be with someone who reciprocates trust, honesty, and compassion. Working with Meleah changed the way I view relationships and how I present myself in ALL relationships in my life.”

- Kelly

“I have to thank you so much because I have grown so much as a person and in my relationship, especially the communication I have with my partner. It’s truly been life changing.

This is the most impactful course I’ve ever done, out of everything I have studied and learned. The way you have delivered it to us in such a personal, safe, protected, feminine way. I’ve never experienced anything like this.”

– Amber

Cordi's MAJOR Relationship Breakthrough:

I started working with Meleah in January of this year after we connected in Coast Rica. I had just made the decision to finally leave my abusive husband for good and dive into the absolute unknown. Leaving would mean losing my house, any financial security, and possibly my immigration status in the US.

But it was still the better alternative than staying in a relationship that was full of gaslighting, belittling, name-calling and a couple of hands-on incidences sprinkled.

The only thing I knew was that I needed to break the cycle of abusive relationships in my family and in my past, and I couldn’t do it alone. Asking for and taking on help has always been an immense struggle for me, but I got over myself (which already was a big first step).

In June, I started dating for the first time in my life (my previous relationship had not involved a lot of courting before committing) and it was a very interesting experience with setting boundaries, communicating my needs and wants, expressing feelings around sexuality and safety, and also saying “no” a lot, which was very new to me. And even though some of this was super uncomfortable at first, it got better and more natural every time I did it. Having always been insanely codependent, that was a major pattern that I was able to transform.

Meleah helped me to work through my feelings of unworthiness around going through a divorce at a young age. Which, as turns out, no one but me had a problem with.

I have a new partner now and I have never felt more seen, heard, valued, safe, empowered in my spiritual practice; held in my bigness; supported and genuinely loved in my life and the depth of love, connection, and intimacy. It always feels mildly psychedelic (or insanely psychedelic) to share space with him, and I’m so excited for the steps we’re taking together.

Being able to have this kind of new and healthy relationship is the result of working with Meleah to transform and heal old patterns and beliefs I held about relationships; sitting with myself and allowing space and time to not try and put a band-aid over the wound but actually healing, sitting with plant medicine…honestly just working with and on myself was what I needed. I didn’t need to pursue or force or plead, but it all came to me as I followed by own healing path.

“Before I joined RRA, I was stuck in the same patterns of attracting the wrong people and emotionally unavailable men over and over again. I felt unworthy of love and broken.

Because of RRA, I broke free from the patterns that were causing me so much pain. I no longer feel unworthy. I’ve released deep-rooted beliefs and healed from the trauma I experienced in my past relationships. I have learned how to hold healthy boundaries. I’m not scared to be the fullest, brightest version of myself. I know I am deserving of a passionate and loving relationship.

I would recommend this to any woman who is tired of unsatisfying cycles in their relationships or love life and desires to experience a healthy relationship, not only with others but also with themselves. If you feel as though you have tried everything and still finding yourself stuck in the same spot, RRA is the next step in your journey!”

– Brittany

“When I started this program, I literally had anxiety every single day. I kept myself so busy so that I didn’t have to feel my emotions or face what I was going through. I thought I was so broken and not be able to be fixed.

I was putting myself on the back burner for so long and this was causing resentment towards myself and in my relationship.

I feel like I finally have the tools to know that I’ve got me and whatever is gonna happen, I’m gonna be okay.

I feel like I’m finally getting to know myself. I feel alive again!

I’m more in my feminine energy and allowing my partner to step into his masculine energy more and showing him more appreciation.

This has been such a life changing experience.”

– Alyssa

Celebrating Love

"When I started this program, I was desperately trying to heal and fix this constant anxiety I was living with.

Now, my relationship has never been better.

Our communication is amazing, and he is starting to see me and understand me better.

The biggest shift in my relationship has been the co-dependency.

This program has given me more than just insight on how to be a better partner, but how to be a better person, parent, and friend.

It has shown me what it means to love fully and without judgment.

I loved being a part of this group – Thank you so much for everything!”

– Sam

“It’s crazy what has happened in my life because of this work. I feel so grateful. I re-read the letter to myself I wrote at the beginning of this program and it’s all here - it’s unbelievable!

It feels so good to be in my body! I have all of the tools now. I’ve received comments from my boyfriend like, “There’s like a new quality to how are you are in the world” and he finds that beautiful.

What has been the most helpful inside RRA was to give it my 100%. It was like a gift for me to be here each week — to connect with all the women and to be here for the coaching.

To all the women reading this, you are in the right place! Trust the process!

– Marie