Meleah Manning

Dating and Relationship Coach

Hi, I’m Meleah

As a certified trauma-informed dating and relationship coach, I am dedicated to guiding ambitious women to overcome their patterns so that they can attract and keep healthy love.

My mission is to help women in putting an end to the dating rollercoaster, raise their self-worth, and attract the healthy relationship they’ve always wanted.

Radiant Relationship Academy has helped hundreds of women by offering a clear path to build fulfilling a relationship where they get to feel cherished and valued.

Free Training

Discover the step-by-step framework to start attracting emotionally available partners who are ready for commitment!

Leah on Love Podcast

Join me for weekly conversations around love, dating and relationships.

Together, we will dive into the big questions around relationships — including all the messy, sexy, and complicated parts.

Radiant Relationship Academy

You’ve already done talk therapy and still feeling unfulfilled in your love life?

I got you… Radiant Relationship Academy is the romantic upgrade that will completely rewire how you experience men and love.

Whether you’re looking to strengthen the relationship you’re in, heal your heartbreak and choose better partners, develop a stronger sense of self, or move away from dysfunctional patterns into highly functioning ones - you’re in the right place.

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